Introduce Yourself

My name is Xu Shikuan. I'm Chinese. I live in Singapore. 

My idol is Games Gosling. So you can call me Gosling. 

I don't know if you know my English is not very good.

If you mind this matter, please tell me, because I am trying to learn spoken English, I don't want to cause bad influence because of this matter

I'm working as a senior software engineer. 

I have eight years of working experience. 

I came to Singapore in 2017(Twenty Seventeen). 

I have been used in Java development since I graduated from university, 

And I used Golang for two years. I’m good at teamwork and provide some solutions. 

I enjoy learning new skills after work and during holidays. 

Of course, sometimes it has nothing to do with work. 

In the last company, as the Server Leader, I redesigned the product architecture. 

For example, 

Eureka Had been changed to Consul because Consul supports multilingual capabilities, Including KV storage services and monitoring. 

Improved search by speed through Elasticsearch.

Introduce Kafka to my team to achieve asynchronous communication. 

I have developed the router for Golang Microservices.

That's it. Thank you.