10 Jul 2019



what's remarkable? 
you need t o lose weight 
which task 
I haven't started it 
It's just a plan 
won't become developed if there is no one there 
China built a star 
1949 the beginning of modern China 
heavy industry 
Mao had the industrial development in the Great Leap Forward 
good soil for agriculture 
you can plant three times a year 
because of the weather 
tourist industry 
if he works in the tourist industry like a ticket seller 
his salary may be 2,000 rmb 
is the cost of living less in Harbin 
or rural area 
You can say I live in a rural area or you can say I live in the country 
country has several meanings 
task and mission are synonyms 
mission is more formal 
A school's mission 
a company's mission 
for an individual you are more likely to say task. 
Also the difference is that task is more of a single action 
Mission means a broader group of actions 
your mission is to find the gold 
military and government actions 
work out and exercise are synonyms 
you should exercise caution when crossing the street in Beijing 
exercise means use 
you should use caution when crossing the street 
I went to work out. 
they got divorced because their marriage didn't work out