29 Jun 2019



How was your trip to china 
like the airplane, the train 
when I say how was your trip the meaning is how was the flight, were there delays, was the plane full, was there good food, etc. 
three bottles of beers 
what kind of beer 
did you have any problems when you were traveling? 
the day after tomorrow 
the day after tomorrow 
three days from now 
July 2nd is her birthday 
lunar calendar 
Gregorian calendar 
it is the same with Muslims and Hindue 
they use lunar calendars too so the dates change every year 
june 30, 1949 
june 13 
father's sister is aunt and mother's sister is aunt 
older sister or younger sister 
abang or kakak is older 
little sister 
big sister 
great grandmother 
great-great grandmother 
we call them all the same but you can separate them by saying paternal grandfather or maternal grandfather 
maternal is your mother 
daughter's husband's mother and father 
they have different terms 
this is my son-in-law's father and mother 
bottles of beer 
not too many because it makes me full 
I like whiskey 
it is high in alcohol content 
tsing tao 
beer is too bitter 
not too often anymore 
are you still there