26 Jun 2019



you're going to wait on it until you return from China 
for one week 
ten days 
you have traveling time 
from the time you leave your house until you arrive at your destination 
sometimes if you work overseas 
goes from Beijing to Shanghai 
the distance between them is 800 km 
if who is hurt 
if you are parents are ill 
If your parents hear that you are coming they will buy food and cook for you 
buy food or buy some food 
when you back home, you usually gain 5 kg 
from childhood to adulthood eating that type of food is my habit 
type kind 
people like to go home and have home cooking 
Hot dogs 
Chicago style pizza 
most foreigners can't stand what kind of pizza 
fruit pizza 
some people in America like to put pineapple on pizza, but most Americans don't like that
no fruit pizza for me. My wife makes Chicago style pizza 
Close to the national day there are often fighter jets in the sky and it is very noisy 
do you live close to the airport 
military airport 
do they do a show for independence day? 
You are close to the military airport 
I think that Singapore still remembers the Japanese occupation during WWII 
many questions in the next week about war 
soldiers for hire 
he does military service 
dirty water 
Korea has military service for 18 months. 
You would be happy with a short military service