16 Jun 2019



were you off work today 
we must fix it 
the developer went back to China and so you had to trace the bug on your own 
you get overtired 
lay in your bed and fell asleep quickly while watching the movie 
hot pan 
hot pot 
I cleaned my home today too 
in another two weeks I will go back to China 
so she left early so that she could visit her home first and then go to your home when you come to China 
sometimes they use VPN, sometimes they don't. 
it depends on the internet connection where you are 
she doesn't the internet 
you don't need wifi 
You can use 4G for everything 
sometimes if my network is out, I can set up a hotspot using 4G to connect to Cambly 
in the morning it is easier because you are not so tired 
special fruit 
if I haven't seen it before, you can show me a special type of fruit 
We do have these here. 
Not on my island, but on other islands in Indonesia 
another function beside food? 
TCM - cold fruit 
you can 
if your throat hurts 
you can eat some cold fruit it will feel better. 
But if you eat hot fruit you will feel so bad 
What is an example of hot fruit 
durian is a hot fruit and your throat will hurt 
you can enter the orchard and eat the fruit for a fee until you are full 
your throat will be sore 
We call it a sore throat 
Seeds of this plant are known as pang da hai in Chinese-speaking countries and are used as herbal remedies in Indonesian and Chinese medicine. 
They are traditionally taken as a restorative to treat loss of the voice from the common cold, flu, laryngitis, and for this reason are a popular refreshment served at Karaoke.