07 Jun 2019



how did you call me before 
if you turn off the computer without closing the program it opens up again when it is turned on 
tomorrow you're oof 
Luckily I am a man 
because we have some men on Cambly who flash women tutors 
if we are in our kampung 
or if a visitor comes to visit we always put shirts on 
a girl saw him 
this is a law 
the law does not allow 
the boy had to see a psychologist 
that is very strict 
nude beaches in Australia 
There are a few in America 
and France has many nude beaches 
gili t 
different ideas about nudity 
they tan evenly 
You like a tan 
must wear clothes 
a bathing suit 
take your clothes 
brown people look healthier 
you have to worry about skin cancer 
Laborers used to have brown skin because they had to work outside 
In Indonesia women don't want a tan. They think that white skin is more beautiful and so if they are outside they use an umbrella 
they like being vegans 
no meat no dairy products 
you have to import it from somewhere else 
what kind of meat - like pork or chicken or fish or beef 
all kinds of meat 
the fish have a lot of bones 
from another region 
summer is the growing season 
but you have a short growing season because of your location 
like for example in Korea they put cabbage in pots and bury it in the ground 
That makes it fermented and that is called kimchi 
it is a German word 
you have sauerkraut and pork for a meal 
we have one Chinese restaurant in my town and they have more Indonesian style food 
they have poor workers come and buy food there and rich people come in expensive cars to have lunch there 
Chinese made 
Volkswagen is from Germany 
300,000 rmb 
if you have an accident, a Japanese car is not very tough