05 Jun 2019



Because you are getting older, it's harder to work long hours 
fell asleep on the desk 
wait until you get to be my age 
memorize some words 
it is subtitled in Chinese 
one of the tricks to this is to try to find the key words and forget the other onew 
one of the ways to learn vocabulary is to only learn five words a day 
So that you remember them and use them over and over for the day 
I did five words a day 
past vocabulary 
previous vocabulary 
The people that own the company 
the people that started the company 
Owner is the person who starts a company 
you could use document but usually we call it a research paper 
A document is more official 
For example, your company gives you documents about company policy 
But if you write a report about a problem, you could call it a paper 
Just remember, but you could also say remember without the just 
The just in that phrase isn't important. 
The meaning is the same without the just 
You must buy a bigger car, because maybe you will make a mistake and have a crash and you will be safe. 
Maybe we could go to Canada because we want to live there and we must see if first 

Lesson 26: Recommend Something


Dorothy and Kevin are talking about getting a new job.

Dorothy:   Kevin, I want to work for Cambly. Can you put in a good word for me?

Kevin:     Yes, I can. I know a lot of people that speak highly of you.

Dorothy:   Thanks, I appreciate it. Perhaps I should talk with the owners.

Kevin:     I highly recommend it.

Dorothy:   Maybe we could talk with them together?

Kevin:     That’s a good idea, but if I were you, I would talk to them by yourself first.

Dorothy:   Ok, I will. What about my resume? Can you give it to them?

Kevin:     I can, but I think it’s best that you to give it to them in person.

Dorothy:   I understand. Can you look at my resume first? Maybe you could recommend some changes to me.

Kevin:     I would be more than happy to do that for you. Just remember to be confident when you talk to the owners.


Expression Definition Example
put in a good word (expression) to say something good about someone Can you put in a good word for me with your boss?
speak highly of (expression) to speak well about someone; say really good things Your boss always speaks highly of his workers.
perhaps (adv) used to express a possibility of doing something; to recommend a possibility Perhaps you should edit your resume.
highly (adv) to a great degree I highly recommend that you see the doctor about your cough.
maybe we could (expression) to express the possibility of doing something; a way to recommend Maybe we could finish the research paper tomorrow.
if I were you, I would (expression) to express what you would do If I were you, I would stay home until you feel better.
what about (expression) used to recommend or suggest something What about taking a vacation to Italy?
I think it’s best (expression) to express what you think is the best thing to do I think it’s best we end the meeting.
you could (expression) used to recommend or suggest something You could always apply for another job.
just remember (expression) used to tell someone not to forget something Just remember to include a cover letter with your resume.


1. Your best friend wants to buy a car. What would you recommend?
I think it’s best to buy a car that saves gas.
Just remember to test drive it first.
Your answer:

2. Your spouse wants to go on a vacation next year. Where would you recommend?
What about going to Saint Petersburg, Russia? I heard there are lots of things to do.
Maybe we could go to Italy? They have lots of historical places to visit.
Your answer:

3. A co-worker wants a job in your department. How would you tell him you’ll put in a good word.
My boss likes me so I will put in a good word for you.
I will talk to my boss and put in a good word.
Your answer:

4. A student is trying to decide which university to attend. What would you recommend?
Perhaps you should pick the university closest to home.
I highly recommend Cambridge University.
Your answer:

5. Your brother wants to study English abroad. What would you recommend he do?
Maybe you could go to New Zealand. My friend went there to study English and liked it.
You can always ask your English teachers what they think.
Your answer:


  1. Which city would you recommend to me to visit in your country? Why?
  2. Would you recommend learning English on Cambly to your friends? Why or why not?
  3. Tell me about a time you made a recommendation to someone.
  4. Which car would you recommend to me to buy? Why?
  5. Have you ever put in a good word for someone? If yes, who and why? If no, would you?