02 Jun 2019



so you had to make up for the day you took off yesterday 
at the month's end 
June 28th you're going home 
one week off 
June 28th to July 7th 
you are a fast typer 
is only for friends 
What do you advise me to do?|
with your boss for example 
a free bit of advice 
Usually people don't like free advice because they haven't asked for it 
usually they are going to say something critical 
say something 
speaks something 
when someone says something 
He speaks English 
When I speak something 
When I say something 
the man carries the woman's bag 
you call that being a gentleman 
Could you help her 
unless it is very heavy then the man often carries it 
if it is not heavy 
they talk about their own culture 
Because women feel like they can carry their own things and if the man carries them it means he thinks that they are weak 
just one in 5,000 years 
My wife advised me to stop smoking. If you were me what would you do? 

Lesson 27: Asking for Advice


Kevin and Dorothy are talking about asking for advice.

Kevin:     Dorothy, I need to ask you for some advice.

Dorothy:   Sure, how can I help you?

Kevin:     I am trying to decide whether to move to another city. If you were me, what would you do?

Dorothy:   I would listen to your family since they have to move with you. What does your family suggest?

Kevin:     I haven’t asked them yet. What do you advise me to do?

Dorothy:   You should have a family meeting. Your family will give you guidance.

Kevin:     Do you know what else I need to do to move? What would you suggest?

Dorothy:   I’m not sure what is the best way. Perhaps you need expert advice.

Kevin:     Yes, you’re right. I should find someone who has moved before, and ask them “What should I do?”

Dorothy:   Sometimes people may give you advice without you asking. For example, “here’s a free bit of advice“.


Expression Definition Example
advice (n) an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do My advice to you is to travel the world.
If you were me, what would you do? (complete sentence) asking for advice thinking that person was you I don’t have enough money to pay my rent. If you were me, what would you do?
advise (v) to give information to someone; a suggestion or opinion I advise you to get more sleep.
What do you suggest? (complete sentence) a way to ask for advice I’m having problems losing weight. What do you suggest I do?
What do you advise me to do? (complete sentence) a way to ask for advice I can’t start my car. What do you advise me to do?
do you know (phrase) a way to ask for advice or help Do you know where I can buy cheap gas?
guidance (n) help or advice that tells you what to do She asked for my guidance about living abroad.
expert (adj) having a special skill or knowledge about a subject He gave me his expert opinion on buying a car.
What should I do? (complete sentence) a way to ask for advice My car was stolen! What should I do?
a free bit of advice (phrase) to give advice to someone when they didn’t ask for it Here’s a free bit of advice. You better be prepared for the test tomorrow.


1. How would you ask for advice if you wanted to quit smoking?
I really need to stop smoking. What do you suggest I do?
My doctor advised me to quit smoking. If you were me, what would you do?
Your answer:

2. I’m always late for work. What should I do?
I suggest you get up earlier.
I think you should use two alarm clocks.
Your answer:

3. How would you ask for advice if you wanted help with the IELTS exam?
I need to study for the IELTS exam. What should I do?
I’m not ready to take the IELTS exam. What do you advise me to do?
Your answer:

4. How would you give a free bit of advice about learning English?
Here’s a free bit of advice. Watch movies in English
Here’s a free bit of advice. Read newspapers in English.
Your answer:

5. How would you ask for advice about studying English abroad?
I can’t decide which country I want to study in. What should I do?
I can’t find an apartment to live in. I need your expert advice.
Your answer:


  1. Have you ever given a free bit of advice? If yes, tell me about it. If no, would you?
  2. Why do people ask for advice?
  3. Can advice be both good and bad? Why or why not?
  4. Has anyone ever asked you for advice? If yes, tell me about it. If no, would you give advice if someone asked you? Why or why not?
  5. I found an expensive watch in a coffee shop. What should I do?