01 Jun 2019



stayed home today 
memorize some words 
and read British Council English 
pronunciation is different and there are some vocabulary differences 
He's from Turkey and he moved to Canada 
After he improves his English some more, he wants to move to the US. 
Because it is easier to migrate to Canada 
He has a long term plan 
The housing is the most expensive in America 
apartments, houses are the most expensive in America 
Seattle is the same 
They have a high salary 
Do they have a test that you have to take 
if you want to immigrate 
Academic is maybe the A. and G is probably general. 
four sections - reading, writing. listening and speaking 
Studying for the IELTS takes a lot of time. 
6.5 -7.5 
it's a lesson from Cambly about IELTS 
Describe an electrical device in your home. You should say: what it is how often you use it who you use it with and explain why you use it. 
It takes a long time to study for the IELTS 
It depends on a number of factors like how much you study 
“People asked us, ‘Are you crackers?’” says Gemma Paintin. She can see why. Along with fellow Bristol artist James Stenhouse, Paintin spent half of 2018 travelling around Europe in an old motor home, recording love songs. Their epic trek took in almost 20,000 miles, 33 countries, 46 languages and 731 songs – each sung in their battered mobile studio, mostly by random strangers. 2 These __________________________(1) from a seven-year-old Greek boy singing the Kiss song I Was Made for Lovin’ You (“even the guitar parts”) to MEP Peter Simon, who contributed a German folksong. There was a singing security guard in Madrid and some lads in Leeds who sang Robbie Williams’s Angels. This, says Paintin, was “exactly how you’d expect a lad version of Angels to sound”. 3 The 731 songs form part of Oh Europa, a project that will see them broadcast from 41 beacons around Europe (accessed via an app). It opened at the Transform festival in Leeds, where visitors were able to hear up to 20 hours of record 
“People asked us, ‘Are you mad?’” says Gemma Paintin. She can understand why. Paintin and James Stenhouse, both artists from Bristol, spent half of 2018 travelling around Europe in an old motor home. They were recording love songs. Their epic journey was almost 20,000 miles long and included 33 countries, 46 languages and 731 songs – each sung in their motor home, mostly by random strangers. 2 The 731 songs are part of Oh Europa, a project in which the songs will be broadcast around Europe (via an app). It opened at a festival in Leeds, where visitors were able to hear up to 20 hours of recordings, go inside the motor home and even add a song to the library. 3 They wanted to examine “what Europe