15 May 2019



technical problems with sound 
student had skype open and it took over his microphone so he couldn't speak. 
You saw a movie 
I saw a movie or I watched a movie 
A Dog's Purpose 
Is it animated? 
Animated is like a cartoon or like anime 
crime movie 
a crying movie 
because you feel sad 
a sentimental movie 
The dog has many lives 
His master's leg is hurt 
split up or broke up 
In his second life he is a police dog. 
In his third life he has a good life with friendly people 
recognize it. He doesn't recognize it because the dog looks different. 
heartwarming moviw 
He catches the ball. 
He recognized it. 
Peggy Lipton 
one of the actresses was named Peggy Lipton. 
She died yesterday 
To me 70 is old 
Age can be relative 
For me, I sometimes call women that I talked to on Cambly, girls even though they are already 30 
wear a bigger jacket 
culture shock 
developing countries 
I like different cultures 
because I can understand the different cultures and learn about them. 
I agree because the culture is representative of the history. 
I think if you go to another country you need to talk about the 
native people 
you need to talk to the local people 
This is so sad because 

Lesson 19: Different Cultures


Dorothy and Kevin are talking about the difference between cultures.

Dorothy:  Kevin, have you ever experienced culture shock?

Kevin:    Yes, I did when I lived in Thailand. They have different beliefs there. Most of the Thai people are Buddhists.

Dorothy:  I’m sure they have different values also.

Kevin:    One value they have in their religion is karma.

Dorothy:  I’ve heard of it. Do they stereotype other countries and people?

Kevin:    I think some people do, but I don’t let it bother me. Sometimes I had to watch my body language.

Dorothy:  That’s interesting. What about the Thai language. Are there different dialects?

Kevin:    Yes, it depends on which region you’re living in. In northern Thailand, they speak differently than people from Bangkok.

Dorothy:  How are their manners different?

Kevin:    They bow their head and put their hands together between the heart and face. It’s their cultural way of saying hi. It’s called wai.


Expression Definition Example
culture shock (n) a nervous and scared feeling when living in another culture or country different from yours For the first two months in Thailand, I experienced culture shock. People ride their motorscooters on the sidewalk.
beliefs (n – plural) a feeling that something is good, right, and valuable People have different beliefs about religion.
values (n – plural) a person’s principles or standard of behavior; what’s important in life Children learn values from their parents.
karma (n) the force created by a person’s actions; believed in some religions like Buddhism She believes that helping people is good karma.
stereotype (v) to believe unfairly that all people are the same; especially a race, country, or religion Sometimes people stereotype a person by their color of skin.
body language (n) movements or positions of the body that express a person’s thoughts or feelings I could tell by his body language that he was nervous.
dialects (n – plural) a form of language that is spoken in a particular area of a country There are different dialects of the English language.
region (n) a part of a country or of the world I live in the northeast region of the USA.
manners (n – plural) the way that something is done or happens He forgot his manners and reached across the table for the salt.
cultural (adj) of or relating to a particular group of people and their beliefs There are some cultural differences between us.


1. How do you feel or how do you think you would feel in another culture?
I experienced culture shock when I was in Thailand. It was a different way of living.
I think I would feel different, especially if I noticed how they used body language.
Your answer:

2. What do you think is important about visiting another country?
In my opinion, you should try to speak their language.
I think it’s really important to respect another country’s culture, beliefs, and values.
Your answer:

3. How should people act when they come to your country?
When meeting somebody new in my country, it’s important to make eye contact.
It’s important not to stare at another person. It shows disrespect.
Your answer:

4. What are some signs of culture shock?
When a person doesn’t like the food of another country.
I think when a person starts to feel sad and lonely, especially without family.
Your answer:

5. Which country would you like to visit and why?
I would love to travel to Iceland because I heard the landscapes are beautiful.
I want to go to South Korea because I heard the street food is delicious.
Your answer:


  1. What do you think is interesting about your culture?
  2. Describe the way people greet each other in your culture.
  3. What don’t you like about your culture?
  4. Tell me some of the typical food in your culture.
  5. Do you use body language in your culture? If yes, tell me about it.