12 May 2019



You went to lift weights. 
Exercise room 
I have a big stomach 
She runs on a treadmill; I life weights. 
I lift weights. 
Two times a week when you work. Tuesday and Thursday for forty minutes and three times a week during your holiday. It means Saturday or Sunday. 
When I leave this country then I might have more free time. 
Leave the Chinese company. 
The Chinese and Japanese 
9-5 five days a week. 
immigrating to the UK can be very difficult 
immigrating to Canada is easier. 
I don't have a friend who works in Australia. She is a student. 
It helps to have contacts. 
hire people 
HR - human resources 
do a lot of software engineers from China want to move to Singapore to work. 
very high 
loathe is to dislike something very much 
I loathe shrimp paste 
It smells like rotten shrimp 
soy sauce 
or hot sauce 
adore is to like something very much and is a word usually used by women 
I adore that cute baby. 
I like that cute baby or I love that cute baby, but a woman might say that she adores it. 
politics is about the government 
Donald Trump and elections 
the Communist Party 
You feel that she has a lot of power. 
I can't stand just means I don't like something a lot 
I can't stand eating yogurt 
peanut butter 
I eat a lot of peanut butter 
l hate airplanes because I can't move around 

Lesson 18: Expressing Likes and Dislikes


Kevin and Dorothy are talking about likes and dislikes.

Kevin:    Dorothy, do you like to learn languages?

Dorothy:  I love to learn other languages. Right now I like learning Spanish.

Kevin:    I loathe learning Spanish, but I enjoy learning Russian.

Dorothy:  What about school?

Kevin:    I don’t like going to school. I would rather learn on the internet.

Dorothy:  I hate learning online. However, I’m crazy about going to school.

Kevin:    Which types of movies do you like and dislike?

Dorothy:  I adore romance movies, but I detest action movies.

Kevin:    I can’t stand drama movies.

Dorothy:  We all have our likes and dislikes. Some things we like or dislike a lot or a little.


Expression Definition Example
I love (p + v) to have a strong liking for something; take great pleasure in I love to cook.
I like (p + v) to take pleasure in something I like rice.
I loathe (p + v) to hate something very much I loathe when people talk bad about other people.
I enjoy (p + v) to take pleasure in something I enjoy playing golf.
I don’t like (negative – p + v) to not take pleasure in something I don’t like apples.
I hate (p + v) a very strong feeling of dislike I hate tomatoes.
I’m crazy about (phrase) informal; excited about something; like a lot I’m crazy about football.
I adore (p + v) to like or desire something very much; to take great pleasure in I adore when he gives me flowers.
I detest (p + v) to dislike something very strongly I detest politics.
I can’t stand (phrase) to hate something; be unable to put up with something or someone I can’t stand when he talks while he’s eating.


1. Do you like or dislike flying in an airplane?
I hate flying in airplanes because I’m afraid.
I love flying in airplanes because it’s exciting.
Your answer:

2. Do you like or dislike football?
I loathe football because my brothers are always watching it on TV.
I’m crazy about football, and my favorite team is Manchester United.
Your answer:

3. Do you like or dislike exercising?
I detest exercising, but I do it to stay healthy.
I’m crazy about exercising, and I go to the gym every day.
Your answer:

4. Do you like or dislike pasta?
I enjoy eating pasta on occasion.
I love eating pasta, especially spaghetti.
Your answer:

5. Do you like or dislike flowers?
I can’t stand flowers because I’m allergic to them.
I adore flowers because they are so beautiful.
Your answer:


  1. Do you like or dislike music? Why?
  2. Do you like or dislike when people snore? Why?
  3. Do you like or dislike when people bite their nails? Why?
  4. Do you like or dislike reading books? Why?
  5. Do you like or dislike pets? Why?