08 May 2019



you failed because you don't the function for selecting a seat online. 
an airplane sear 
an airplane seat 
train seat 
two weeks ago 
the plane tickets are for your China trip 
shopping online app 
I've never heard of that one 
pintar means smart or clever 
SF stands for San Francisco 
in California 
That's where I used to live 
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous American actor. He was in the Terminator movies 
He was also the governor of California 
LA stands for Los Angeles 
25 degrees in Singapore in F that is 75 degrees 
25C = 75F 
etcetera means so on and so forth 
hot and humid 
It gets hot in China in the summer 
It gets cold in Bali during the rainy season. 
It's freezing if it's very cold and it's chilly if it is not as cold but still uncomfortable 
Singapore is warm and humid all the time too. 
hot is a better word. 
In China we have four very distinct seasons, but in Singapore we only have wet and dry seasons. 
No, winter here is so hot too. 
I like autumn because it is not very hot and not very cold. And the leaves change colors in autumn. 
If it is snowing outside, I play with my friend outside. If there is no snow, I just stay inside.

Lesson 11: Weather in SF


Dorothy asks Kevin about the weather in San Francisco.

Dorothy:   It’s been very foggy and chilly in SF lately.

Kevin:     What’s the weather report for today?

Dorothy:   Hmm, let’s see. It’s 55 degrees and foggy.

Kevin:     That’s a bit chilly, but it’s the usual San Francisco weather. How’s the weather in LA?

Dorothy:   LA is much sunnier and warmer than SF. Today it’s 70 degrees.

Kevin:     Do you have enough warm clothes?

Dorothy:   I have a jacket, but I think I need more outerwear. I wonder if I should go shopping this weekend.

Kevin:     You should wear an extra layer that you can take off when it gets sunny and warm.

Dorothy:   I’m already doing that but sometimes it’s not enough. Maybe I’ll get a scarf.

Kevin:     That’s a good idea.


Expression Definition Example
foggy having or filled with fog a gray, foggy morning
chilly feeling cold It’s so chilly today that I wore a sweater and a jacket.
XX degrees (Fahrenheit) a unit for measuring temperature Bake the bread at 350 degrees (Fahrenheit) for 35 minutes.
weather the temperature and other outside conditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a particular time and place What is the weather like in Saudi Arabia right now?
sunny having plenty of bright sunlight I’m so happy for this sunny weather.
it gets (adj) the weather changes It gets pretty cold in the winter.
I wonder if not sure, curious about I wonder if I can go for a walk today or if it is too hot and sunny.
wear an extra layer put on extra clothing You’d better wear an extra layer to keep yourself warm.
take off undress I want to take off this sweaty shirt right now.
scarf a long piece of cloth that is worn on your shoulders, around your neck, or over your head I wear a wool scarf on cold days.


1. What is the weather like in your country?
Indonesia is warm and humid all the time.
Japan has four seasons, and the weather in each season is very different.
Your answer:_______________________________

2. Does your country have four seasons?
Yes, we have four very distinct seasons.
No, we only have dry and wet seasons.
Your answer:_______________________________

3. Does it get below zero (freezing point) in winter?
Yes, it can get freezing cold in winter.
No, winter here is pretty mild.
Your answer:_______________________________

4. What kind of weather do you like the most?
I like warm but dry weather.
I prefer a cold winter rather than a very hot summer.
Your answer:_______________________________

5. How do you keep yourself warm on a cold day?
I wear many layers of clothing.
I just stay inside.
Your answer:_______________________________


  1. What’s your favorite season and why?
  2. Do you have snow/hail/typhoons/tornadoes in your country?
  3. Do you think that in recent years we are losing our four distinct seasons?
  4. In your opinion, which season is the most beautiful?
  5. Do you think weather affects the way people feel?