06 May 2019



You worked 12 hours. 
Is it hot and humid in Singapore, or raining. 
Yesterday and the day before it didn't rain. 
Three days ago 
Yesterday is one day and then you could say the day before yesterday or two days ago, either one 
June 28th you have annual holiday. 
From June 28th to July 7th. 
Your annual holiday is ten days. 
Five days annual holiday. 
ten days holiday for 10-20 years. 
If you work 20 or more years you get 15 days for holiday. 
So for your annual holiday are you going back to China? 
90th birthday 
More than 50 people in your extended family. 
Your uncle's child will be studying in the university. She wants to go abroad. 
Glasgow University in the UK 
Oxford University is very good and very difficult to get into. 
Immigration in Canada is easier. 
for her 
Every country knows about those universities. 
Yes, but they are often used in the same way. 
But for example today is Children's Day holiday in many countries, But we could not say it is the Children's Day vacation. 
You could also say I have an annual holiday in June and I am going to take a vacation to China 
I went back to my home, eating and playing with my friends. 
I went with my wife. 
I cheered on my grandmother's birthday. 
I don't like going on airplanes because I'm so fat and the seats are so small. 
Yes, I live abroad. 
I have visited so many. I went to Germany and France and Australia. 
I went to the Vatican and Italy. 
You took a honeymoon to Europe. 
I like traveling with other people, I don't like traveling alone. 

Lesson 10: My Last Vacation


Dorothy and Kevin are talking about Kevin’s vacation.

Dorothy:  How was your trip to Cancún?

Kevin:    It was so much fun that I didn’t want to return home.

Dorothy:  That sounds amazing. Was this your first time visiting Mexico?

Kevin:    I’ve been to Mexico several times, but it was my first time in Cancún. Also, it was my first time staying at a beach resort with a proper beach!

Dorothy:  What did you do there?

Kevin:    Gina went snorkeling and I mostly chilled on the beach. We wanted to go sightseeing, but there was so much to do at the resort we ended up just enjoying the beach.

Dorothy:  That’s great! Do you plan to go back?

Kevin:    Definitely! Next time, I want to explore different cities near Cancún as well.

Dorothy:  I always wanted to visit the ancient Mayan ruins.

Kevin:    You should definitely plan to go there!


Expression Definition Example
trip a journey for some purpose How was your business trip to New York?
first time the initial time It was my first time traveling abroad.
have been to visited (=a way to form the perfect tense of verbs) I have been to other countries in Southeast Asia.
beach resort a resort located on a beach The beach resort was so beautiful and relaxing!
proper right or suitable for some purpose or situation You need to eat a proper meal instead of junk food.
snorkeling to swim underwater while using a snorkel I saw so many tropical fish while snorkeling.
chill to relax I just want to chill at home tonight.
sightseeing the activity of visiting famous or interesting places in an area Did you go sightseeing while you were in New York?
explore to travel over or through (a place) in order to learn more about it or to find something The young mom decided to explore the community center to look for a good Japanese program.
ancient ruins the remaining pieces of something from long ago I really want to visit the ancient Inca ruins in Machu Picchu.


1. Where did you go for your last vacation?
I went to the ski resort in the Alpines.
I went to Phuket to do scuba diving.
Your answer:_______________________________

2. Who did you go with?
I went with my family.
I went with my friends from college.
Your answer:_______________________________

3. What did you do?
We went skiing every day, then had a nice meal and hot chocolate every night.
I just chilled at the beach and read many books.
Your answer:_______________________________

4.  Do you like traveling?
Yes, I like to visit new places every time.
No, I do like going on vacation, but I don’t like going on airplanes.
Your answer:_______________________________

5. Where is your next destination?
I want to go to Istanbul.
A backpacking trip to Europe is next on my list.
Your answer:_______________________________


  1. Have you traveled abroad?
  2. Which countries or places have you visited?
  3. Do you like traveling alone or with other people?
  4. Do you usually try local food during your trip?
  5. How often would you like to travel?