05 May 2019



I watched a tech show today
Another explanation for the origin of life
We study evolution in school

The show I'm watching today is another idea that we are aliens (ET)
We shouldn't walk standing up because gravity is too strong
It's very difficult for us to have children

Don't trust science

I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with my internet.
I lost my ethernet connection
The Origins of Life
another explanation
We are ET.
the back
another animal
What was channel
1,000 years later
1,000 years ago
when something is very important
We usually gets together on Chinese New Year.
No, I only see my family once a year.
They passed away too.
My relatives live in my hometown.

Lesson 8: Working Late


Dorothy and Kevin are talking about their relatives.

Kevin:     Do you have any plans for this long holiday?

Dorothy:   I’ll be at a family reunion at my grandfather’s house. He usually invites all of us.

Kevin:     Oh! That’s nice. Where does he live?

Dorothy:   He has a ranch in the countryside of southern California. Everyone loves visiting his house because he has four horses and we can go horseback riding.

Kevin:     Wow, your grandfather sounds like an awesome person! How many relatives are coming to the reunion?

Dorothy:   Let’s see…It will be my family, my uncle’s family, my aunt’s family, and all of my cousins’ family. That’s more than 20 people. I can’t wait to see my newborn niece, Lily!

Kevin:     That’s a big reunion!

Dorothy:   Well, my grandfather is a very family-oriented man.

Kevin:     He sure is!

Dorothy:   I’m glad he is like this. I have so many good memories with my extended family.


Expression Definition Example
extended family a family that extends beyond the nuclear family; includes aunts, uncles, and cousins. She bought a big house to live with her extended family.
long holiday holidays that are three days or longer I plan to go to the Bahamas during the long holiday.
family reunion a family gathering My relatives will have a family reunion in August.
grandparents a parent of your mother or father My grandfather and grandmother are very friendly.
ranch a large farm especially in the U.S. where animals (such as cattle, horses, and sheep) are raised Dorothy’s grandfather lives on a big ranch.
relative a person related by blood or marriage Most of my relatives live in my hometown.
immediate (or nuclear) family a family that includes a person’s parents, spouses, siblings, and children Most Americans spend the New Year with their immediate families.
newborn recently born The newborn baby was so small.
niece/nephew a daughter/son of your brother or sister My niece has so much energy that I’m always ready for a nap after seeing her.
family-oriented consider family as a top priority I’m so lucky to have such family-oriented parents.


1. Does your family have family reunions?
We usually get together on New Year’s Day.
The last family reunion was on my grandfather’s birthday.
Your answer:_______________________________

2. Do you see your extended family often?
I see my extended family once or twice a year.
I live very near my relatives, so we see each other often.
Your answer:_______________________________

3. Are you close to your grandparents?
Yes, I call my grandma every weekend.
No, they passed away when I was very young.
Your answer:_______________________________

4. Where do your relatives live?
Most of my cousins moved away from my hometown, but aunts and uncles live near my grandpa’s place.
My relatives live all over the world.
Your answer:_______________________________

5. What do you do during family reunions?
We normally have dinner together and play board games.
My family usually goes on trips for family reunions.
Your answer:_______________________________


  1. Who are you closest to in your extended family?
  2. Describe your memories with your grandparents.
  3. Who’s the oldest relative you remember? What do you remember about him or her?
  4. Do you think having regular family reunions is important?
  5. Are you a family-oriented person?