04 May 2019



Yesterday I heard a phrase on a social media app that has two interpretations.
The phrase is XXXXX
One says: this phrase is not good
Another said, this is a phrase that is often used
Which one is right

two interpretations of a freeze on social media apps
of course
Gosling, do you want to move to another country?
Yes, of course.
it depends on the context of the sentence
Do you like being married?
Of course.
Sometimes it can be rude and sometimes not.
You need to work on vocabulary
Of course
He eats porridge for breakfast
Cream of Wheat
rice and water sometimes with vegetables.
upset stomach
medicine for your stomach
you have an upset stomach
vegetables are good
The first aim or target or goal
geez = slang that means oh that's no good
when I get off my work
urgent is something to take care of right now.
I'm very sick. It is urgent that I go to the hospital.
how things actually are
In fact it is raining right now.
In fact I'm talking to Bruce right now.
I remembered some words and I was eating with my friends.
I memorized some words
I get off from work at half past seven pm.
Yes, I hate it too. My boss often does this.
I don't see them often too because they are so busy.
We talk about technology.
What do you usually get to the office?
I get to the office at half past eight.
What time of the day do you feel most productive.
When I get off my work, I receive some email that usually asks me to do something.

Lesson 8: Working Late


Kevin and Dorothy are talking about what happened last night.

Dorothy:    What happened to you last night? You missed the party!

Kevin:      It’s a long story. My boss asked me to do something for him very last minute.

Dorothy:    What time did he give you the work?

Kevin:      Just before I was about to get off from work, maybe 7pm?

Dorothy:    That is terrible. What took you so long?

Kevin:      He told me I just needed to give him a file, but in fact, I had to do some research and make a new file for him.

Dorothy:    Bummer! And you had to finish it last night?

Kevin:      He told me it was urgent.

Dorothy:    Geez. Anyways, you missed out on an awesome party.

Kevin:      Tell me about it.


Expression Definition Example
what happened to… Do you know what happened to Kevin? He’s not here.
miss to fail to be present for (something) She missed three days of school when she was sick.
it’s a long story How did you end up in the hospital? It’s a long story.
last minute the latest possible time My brother waits until the last minute to take a shower in the morning.
just before immediately before The bus left just before I got to the station.
be about to (verb) to be going to (perform an action), do something very soon I‘m about to leave the office.
get off from work having left one’s work at the end of the day. I usually get off from work at 7pm.
in fact in reality or actuality I have to send you the email. In fact, I will send it to you right now.
urgent very important and needs immediate attention We’ve come to deliver an urgent message.
miss out on… lose a chance for Ruth came late to the party and missed out on all the fun.


1. What did you do last night?
I was working till late.
I went out with my friends.
Your answer:_______________________________

2. How late do you normally stay at work?
I get off from work at 7pm sharp.
I usually stay till late.
Your answer:_______________________________

3. Do you get a lot of last minute requests at work?
No, my boss is very good at time management.
Yes, and I hate it.
Your answer:_______________________________

4. Do you get to go out with your friends often?
I try to meet up with friends twice a week.
I don’t see them often.
Your answer:_______________________________

5. What do you do when you meet with your friends?
We normally get dinner and some drinks.
We try to do something fun.
Your answer:_______________________________


  1. What time do you usually get off from work?
  2. What time do you normally arrive at the office?
  3. What time of day do you feel you are most productive in your work or study?
  4. What do you usually do when you get last minute requests at work?
  5. How often do you go out with your friends?