01 May 2019



Watching movies from Netflix
The Hulk
Marvel. Do you like Marvel? I don't have any time to see all of the movies.
You haven't seen the Avengers: Endgame yet?
I like Iron Man.
I like happy endings not bad endings.
Does your wife like watching the same movies?
She likes movies like love movies or romantic movies like Titanic .
I like science fiction.
My friend likes technology and we talk about technology. We help each other.

I play the saxophone and I go for rides on my motorcycle.
Those are my hobbies.
The Bay Area is where Silicon Valley

We call it the Bay Area
I enjoy learning technology.
scuba diving
We call it the Bay Area
I enjoy learning technology.
scuba diving
Yes, I wish I had more free time.
Nobody doesn't like to have more free time.
I want to learn English but I don't have enough time.
I want to learn English everyday for three hours, but I only have time for one hour.
Ping pong and badminton are popular hobbies in China.

Lesson 7: Hobbies


Dorothy and Kevin are talking about their hobbies.

Kevin:     Do you have any hobbies, Dorothy?

Dorothy:   Not really, but I like books. I usually spend my leisure time reading books on my couch.

Kevin:     What kind of books do you like?

Dorothy:   I enjoy reading all kinds of books! How about you?

Kevin:     I’m really into hockey.

Dorothy:   You do look like a hockey player! Do you play it often?

Kevin:     I used to play a lot when I lived on the East Coast. I don’t play much anymore.

Dorothy:   Why not?

Kevin:     It doesn’t get cold enough in California! Besides, there are so many things you can do in the Bay Area!

Dorothy:   That is very true!


Expression Definition Example
hobby an activity that a person does for pleasure when not working My hobby is stamp collecting.
spend time + (~ing) to do an activity I usually spend time watching television.
leisure time free time, spare time In my leisure time, I go swimming at the lake.
what kind of… asking about the different types of something What kind of music do you listen to?
enjoy + (~ing) like to do I enjoy shopping.
be into to really enjoy/be interested in My friend is really into traveling.
do (verb) the verb ‘do’ is used to emphasize I told you, I did clean up my room!
used to (verb) something that existed or repeatedly happened in the past but does not exist or happen now My grandmother said winters used to be harder here.
besides in addition to what has been said Don’t worry about it. Besides, no one will notice it’s missing anyway.
the Bay Area a region in Northern California including San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland along with smaller urban and rural areas I moved to the Bay Area for work.


1. Do you have any hobbies?
I’m really into baseball these days.
I enjoy watching sports.
Your answer:_______________________________

2. How often do you spend time (your hobby)?
I only ski during the winter break.
I go fishing every weekend.
Your answer:_______________________________

3. What do you like about your hobby?
Scuba diving is fun because you can experience a completely different world.
Watching movies are relaxing.
Your answer:_______________________________

4. Do you feel like you have enough free time?
I feel like I have enough time to do what I want to do.
I wish I had more free time.
Your answer:_______________________________

5. Is there a hobby that you want to start, but don’t have enough time or money for?
I want to learn to code but I don’t have enough time.
I want to do more horseback-riding, but it’s very expensive.
Your answer:_______________________________


  1. What is a popular hobby in your country?
  2. Do you think having a hobby is good?
  3. Do men and women have different hobbies?
  4. How much money do you spend on your hobby?
  5. Can you make money from a hobby?