30 April 2019



Watching movies from Netflix
The Hulk
Marvel. Do you like Marvel? I don't have any time to see all of the movies.
You haven't seen the Avengers: Endgame yet?
I like Iron Man.
I like happy endings not bad endings.
Does your wife like watching the same movies?
She likes movies like love movies or romantic movies like Titanic .
I like science fiction.
My friend likes technology and we talk about technology. We help each other.

I play the saxophone and I go for rides on my motorcycle.
Those are my hobbies.
The Bay Area is where Silicon Valley

We call it the Bay Area
I enjoy learning technology.
scuba diving
We call it the Bay Area
I enjoy learning technology.
scuba diving
Yes, I wish I had more free time.
Nobody doesn't like to have more free time.
I want to learn English but I don't have enough time.
I want to learn English everyday for three hours, but I only have time for one hour.
Ping pong and badminton are popular hobbies in China.

Lesson 6: Friends


Kevin and Dorothy are talking about their friends.

Kevin:     Thanks for inviting me to your picnic last weekend. I had a lot of fun.

Dorothy:   I’m glad you could make it. Did you get to meet my best friend Karen?

Kevin:     I’m sure I did. Tell me what she looks like.

Dorothy:   She is from Colombia and has big eyes and curly hair. She is quite tall as well. You couldn’t have missed her.

Kevin:     Was she wearing sunglasses?

Dorothy:   Hmm… I forget. She was wearing a pink Versace blouse with white Gucci jeans. She likes to dress up for special occasions.

Kevin:     Oh, yes! I remember talking to her. We had a long discussion about learning languages.

Dorothy:   She is very cosmopolitan.

Kevin:     Indeed! Now I want to learn Spanish.

Dorothy:   Ask Karen. I’m sure she has some tips!


Expression Definition Example
thanks for + (~ing) Thanks for giving us the tour.
I’m glad … I’m glad you’re feeling better now.
curly having curls She has curly hair and blue eyes.
someone is quite (adj) to a very noticeable degree or extent He is quite ill/rich/busy.
The room is quite large/small.
couldn’t have missed too noticeable to miss You couldn’t have missed the city hall since it’s so big!
be wearing to use or have (something) as clothing: to have (a shirt, pants, etc.) over part of your body He was wearing blue jeans.
dress up to wear nice clothes He doesn’t normally dress up often.
remember +(~ing) …
remember to (verb) not forget She remembers sitting next to me in the class.
She remembered to bring homework.
cosmopolitan a cosmopolitan person, belief, opinion, etc. shows a wide experience of different people and places She has such a cosmopolitan outlook on life.
indeed without any question — used to stress the truth of a statement Indeed, he is a great poet. = He is indeed a great poet.


1. Who is your best friend?
My friend from childhood Chris is my best friend.
My sister is my best friend.
Your answer:_______________________________

2. Tell me what s/he looks like.
Chris is very tall and slim.
Dorothy has long black hair and dark eyes.
Your answer:_______________________________

3. What kind of clothing does your friend usually wear?
She always dresses up.
He is always in jeans and a t-shirt.
Your answer:_______________________________

4. What do you usually talk about with your friend?
We talk a lot about dating these days.
We talk about everything.
Your answer:_______________________________

5. What do you like about your friend the most?
I think Karen is a lovely person.
Chris is so energetic, and I always get energy from him.
Your answer:_______________________________


  1. Tell me a story about your best friend.
  2. What do you like about your friend the most?
  3. What do you least like about your friend?
  4. What do you usually talk about with your friend?
  5. How did you two become friends?