28 April 2019



You remembered many English words this morning.

Yes, it comes from Chinglish but it is used commonly in the United States.

Every class has this on the blackboard.

I can hear you, I just can't see you.

That usually means that we have a bad connection.

yes, every weekend I am learning English and algorithms for work.

I prefer to stay home and do BBQ.

I think a normal weekend is too short for a trip too because Singapore is a small country. I can' t leave this country for another country for a trip.

Last weekend, I was learning English and watching some TV shows, a Japanese movie and learning algorithms for my interview.

I like Japanese animation.


Next Wednesday is Singapore's public holiday. It is May 1 which is May Day.

If you get a long weekend like three or four days. What would you like to do?

I want to learn English because I want to leave this country. I must struggle to learn English.

This is my before my 35 year old life. I have a five year plan.

Lesson 5: Planning for the Weekend


Kevin and Dorothy are talking about weekend plans.

Kevin:	  What are you up to this weekend?

Dorothy:  I‘m thinking about having a picnic with some friends.

Kevin:	  That sounds like fun.

Dorothy:  What plans do you have?

Kevin:	  Oh, nothing special.

Dorothy:  You‘re welcome to join us if you are free. We’re meeting up at Dolores Park Saturday afternoon.

Kevin:	  Sure, let me just check with Gina. She mentioned something about a music festival.

Dorothy:  Feel free to invite her and other friends if you want.

Kevin:	  Do you need me to bring anything?

Dorothy:  Some drinks and snacks would be nice and don’t forget your sunscreen!


Expression Definition Example
up to have plans to do… I wonder what Mark is up to.
thinking about + (~ing) plan to do… My friends are thinking about going to a movie.
picnic a trip or party that includes a meal eaten outdoors This weekend I have a family picnic.
be welcome to… Your friends are welcome to come over as well.
meet up at … to come together The boys met up at the school.
check with someone ask someone if it’s okay to do… I need to check with my boss if I can take a day off.
mention to talk about, write about, or refer to (something or someone) especially in a brief way She’s never mentioned anything to me about her husband.
festival a special time or event when people gather to celebrate something Each year, a festival was held to celebrate the harvest.
feel free to… -don’t be afraid to Please feel free to ask any questions you have.
sunscreen a lotion that you put on your skin to prevent sunburn by blocking out some of the sun’s rays This sunscreen has 100 SPF.


1. What are you up to this weekend?
I am thinking about going for a short trip.
I have a family reunion.
Your answer:_______________________________

2. Do you normally have plans for the weekends?
Yes, I like to plan activities for my weekends.
No, I usually don’t have any plans.
Your answer:_______________________________

3. Who are you meeting up with this weekend?
I am having dinner with my sister.
I don’t have any plans yet.
Your answer:_______________________________

4. Do you like to spend your weekend with friends?
Yes, and weekends are the only time I can meet up with my friends.
I prefer to stay at home and read.
Your answer:_______________________________

5. Have you ever planned any weekend trips?
I used to go camping just outside the city.
I think a normal weekend is too short for a trip.
Your answer:_______________________________


  1. What did you do last weekend?
  2. Are you happy with a two-day weekend or should it be three days?
  3. What do you want to do for the next long weekend?
  4. What would life be like without weekends?
  5. Do you know what ‘Monday blues’ means?