19 March 2019


19 Mar,2019 Tuesday

I was waked up in the morning and open my eyes. 

I put on my slippers and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

I feel so hot then I decided to take a bath. 

Then I put the rice into the lunch box. 

I’m so amazing because my Wife makes it yesterday. 

I set off for work at eight fifty. 

My feet hurt because I fell in the bath last week. 

I started writing code when I got to the company. 

In my spare time, I learned ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) again. 

And setting up user Authenticator for Kibana. 

I got off work at eight o’clock. 

This note is my first note. 

I write words because I want to learn English.
Let me know if you find anything wrong. 

Thank you.